Battledome | Pearltrees.Find Neopets secret battledome challengers here too! This rare gem will restore your pet fifteen hit points, but it can only be used once per battle. Healing. The Battledome shouldn't discourage NeoPets whose owners aren't exactly financially well-off. There are plenty. Now is the time to get a set of Battledome items for you to use. Here's a list of .. Using Abilities in the Battledome Abilities help.
A Prickly Potion Explanation (Finally!) - The Neopian Times.
Basic Newbie Guide - In-Depth Battlepedia |
use abilities battledome neopets
Neopets - Battledome - Beta.
2. Preparations for Battle | Neopets Battlepedia.
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A Message from Punchbag Bob - The Neopian Times - Neopia's fill.
use abilities battledome neopets
Vira Profile | Neopets Battlepedia.Find Neopets secret battledome challengers here too! This guide uses faerie abilities, which are unavailable currently while the Battledone is in Beta.
Snow Beast Guide | Neopets Battlepedia.